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How Phased 建设 Schedules Keep Doors Open

无论是学术上的, 企业, 文化或居住, 百家乐软件’s portfolio of clients whose work has a lasting impact on their surroundings is extensive.

我们理解那些为社区提供持续服务的客户的需求——比如波士顿公共图书馆、新英格兰中心和退伍军人之家——不能被打断, no matter how crucial the structural upgrade or renovation.

同样的情况也发生在约翰B. 在海恩斯退伍军人纪念会议中心,我们完成了一个完整的厨房和食品服务现代化,而没有中断该中心举办活动的能力,为波士顿充满活力的商业社区.


成功的秘诀:约翰B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center


约翰·B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center, 始建于1963年,1986年扩建, 在波士顿历史悠久的后湾社区中心举办会议和大型会议和展览.

So, 当时马萨诸塞州会议中心管理局(MCCA)决定进行翻新以实现现代化, 重新配置, 扩展和升级18,000平方英尺的厨房和14,000 square-foot ancillary service areas, 百家乐软件团队知道,要保持对中心客户的持续服务,需要仔细协调和复杂的项目阶段.

“This multi-phased project was very challenging, 然而, allowing the center to continue its very important function as a business hub was a top priority for us,” 百家乐软件 Project Executive Jim Hervol said. “我们很自豪我们提前完成了这一关键目标,使该中心能够恢复正常运作.”

百家乐软件建造了六个阶段的项目,以保持中心功能齐全和活跃的厨房. By using strategic phasing to ensure full operation, the kitchen was constructed in different zones based on function. Each phase could not be started until previously completed areas were signed off, inspected and approved by city inspectors and the Board of Health.

建筑包括对现有主厨房的扩建,需要一个12英尺高的悬臂式甲板结构,悬挂在中心最大的大厅上方17英尺的地方. New food service equipment and refrigeration units were installed, and new dry and refrigerated storage areas, staff restrooms and break area were built.

翻新包括重大的电气升级,所有新的节能灯和照明控制, a new sanitary and waste drainage system, the installation of a large grease receptor and a new, 高容量天然气系统从建筑计量扩展到主厨房燃气分配系统.

To manage such a complicated work flow, 百家乐软件 used multiple shifts and off-hours work during peak event times. 出口路线被精心设置,为中心工作人员和施工人员提供安全的环境, and temporary partitions were built to separate the active kitchen zones and work sites.

The result of this well-organized, multi-phased process? 百家乐软件 finished the work three months ahead of schedule.

现在, the convention center features an expanded, 最先进的厨房,使其员工能够像百家乐软件完成项目一样高效地为波士顿的商业社区服务.

A 24/7 Welcome Mat at the New England Center and 首页 for Veterans

Located next to City Hall in the heart of Boston, 新英格兰中心和退伍军人之家为数百名过渡服役人员提供了医疗保健, 成瘾治疗, job training and employment services 24 hours a day, 一周七天, 一年四季都有,超过25年.

目前处于第二阶段, 该项目是对一个最初在20世纪初作为银行建造的空间的重大改造和重新配置. 最终, the design will provide 35 new efficiency apartments, make service programs more accessible to veterans, upgrade existing facilities and bring the building into conformance with code requirements.

As a key player in the city’s efforts to battle homelessness, its most important service is a warm meal and bed on a cold winter night. 因此,当中心官员向百家乐软件明确表示,在大规模翻新工程期间关闭这些服务是不可能的, 没有人问问题,而是, 只给出了解.

“We tried to create the least amount of impact on the residents as possible,” said 百家乐软件 Project Manager Nick Picardo. “这是不言而喻的,但这对我们来说是一个至关重要的项目,因为该中心对这座城市至关重要,它为代表我们国家牺牲了这么多的退伍军人提供了服务.”

To address critical concerns regarding safety, the project’s schedule includes six intricate phases, 其中居民和工作人员在建筑物周围移动,以便在某些区域进行工作,尽量减少干扰.

例如, 三楼的工作人员搬到工地外的地方,为四楼正在装修的过渡性住房居民提供临时空间.

现在, as the project continues through the second phase, women residents have moved from the second floor to the ninth, to make way for a brand new health care unit.

A careful sequence will then unfold for the third phase of work: first, 将安装第二台轮椅升降机,以确保整个中心保持残疾人通道, then renovations to the common area on the first floor will be made.

到目前为止, 该项目计划还要求协调三次主要的公用事业关闭——一次电力和两次水——这些关闭计划围绕中心的运营进行. 百家乐软件项目团队确保停水是在夜间进行的,而停电是在中心基本空无一人的周六进行的.

这些步骤包括, 也许, 只有10%的物流计划能够平衡令人印象深刻的升级与功能齐全的服务中心的需求. The project is scheduled to be completed in early 2017.

Keeping the Public in the Boston Public Library


Designed by renowned American architect Philip Johnson and opened in 1972, 波士顿公共图书馆位于科普利广场中央图书馆的约翰逊大楼被认为是一座标志性的现代建筑. But because of last minute security needs, 约翰逊的愿景是一千美元, open and free-flowing civic space was never achieved. 我们的现场团队为这个价值7800万美元的项目制定了两分钟的阶段性工作范围,以应对挑战. The now-completed Phase 1 renovated the Johnson Building’s second floor, doubling the space dedicated to children and teens and refreshing and reorganizing collection, reference and community reading areas. 第二阶段, 今年夏天完成, is a comprehensive renovation of the first floor, mezzanine and lower level including a revitalized building exterior.

翻新的设计既满足了图书馆新的战略规划目标,也解决了需要升级的问题, while realizing Johnson’s original intention to create a much more open and welcoming space.

Accomplishing that goal included creating a new 1,约翰逊大楼和19世纪90年代的麦金大楼之间有一个200平方英尺的缺口,需要拆除结构板, 列, 剪力墙, to create what will be known as Boylston Hall, fully connecting the library’s future with its past.

One of the most important project milestones, 这种连接需要《百家乐软件下载》所说的“结构体操”,包括支撑麦金大楼的脆弱部分, 百年砖墙和一、二层用重型桅杆支撑和结构钢支撑.  Shoring powerful enough to support the existing McKim façade, weighing just over one million pounds.

And for 百家乐软件 to earn a perfect 10 on this gymnastics routine, the wall would have to come down while the library remained open and fully functioning.

As the nerve center for the entire municipal library body incorporating 24 neighborhood branches, the Central Library checks out approximately 900,每年1000件. 每年1个以上.400万人参观位于科普利广场的中央图书馆,在著名的贝茨厅阅览室学习, or sit in the gorgeous courtyard with a cup of coffee.

“This has been one of the more complex occupied renovations that 百家乐软件 has undertaken. 当我们接近终点线, 我们非常自豪地参与了这座位于科普利广场中心的波士顿标志性建筑的改造,” said Senior Project Manager Philip Brault. “这次翻新将对波士顿和每天成千上万的顾客产生持久的影响.”

The result of all this intense coordination, planning and logistical maneuvering will be a revitalized library featuring a welcoming front lobby, updated program areas including a children’s library, teen area and a reader-friendly collection on the second floor.

另外, 花岗岩立面将通过玻璃幕墙系统的安装进行改造,创造一个令人惊叹的设施前门.

Expected to be completed this summer, the Johnson Building will be the proud, new face of the Central Library in Copley Square for years to come, and the realization of an architect’s dream come true.